BRESSER Messier EXOS-2 EQ GoTo Mount

Product Highlights

Mount, tripod & handbox with computer

  • Equatorial GoTo-Mount with stainless steel tripod
  • Maximum payload: up to 13 kg
  • For easy finding and guiding the deep sky objects
  • Ideal for astrophotography because of an ST-4 compatible autoguider port
  • Included: Mount with tripod, Startracker handbox controller, 1x4.5 kg counterweight, manual, battery pack
  • Startracker handbox DE/GB/FR/ES/IT


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Product number: 4964350
GTIN/EAN: 4007922007786

Die BRESSER EXOS 2 Goto Montierung

von Jochen Fehmer

Mein neustes Testobjekt ist die BRESSER EXOS 2 Goto Montierung. Nun ja, in der Astronomie- Szene ist sie nicht gerade als die Montierung schlechthin bekannt und die Meinungen gehen weit auseinander.

Also ab ins Lager und eine BRESSER EXOS 2 Goto auf die Sackkarre und ins Auto damit. Mir fiel auf, die Dimensionen des Kartons sind echt übersichtlich, kein langer schwerer wie ich es von anderen Montierungen gewohnt bin. Es sei gesagt, es war keine überprüfte oder eine ausgesuchte, es war eine von der Stange oder besser gesagt vom Regal.

Zuhause angekommen und gestärkt von einem Abendessen machte ich mich ans Werk.


Ich packte die Montierung im warmen Wintergarten aus, denn draußen war es schon sehr kalt, minus 4 Grad. Als erstes das Stativ. Es ist aus Stahlrohr, leicht und mit zwei Feststellschrauben pro Fuß…das finde ich schon einmal gut. Trotz des leichten Gewichts scheint es sehr stabil zu sein. Dann kam der Montierungskopf; die Motorenabdeckungen sind aus Kunststoff. Egal, wenigstens sind die Zahnräder und die Kugellager einigermaßen vor Staub und Feuchtigkeit geschützt. Auch da fiel mir auf, dass die Montierung sehr leicht ist. Die Montierung auf das Stativ zu schrauben ist sehr einfach, eine große Drehstange erleichtert das ungemein. Gute Idee,wenn es draußen nicht gerade warm ist. Dann die Gewindestange an die Montierung geschraubt. Ein Gewicht ist im Lieferumfang enthalten, dass auf die Stange geschoben und fest gezogen. Handbox angeschlossen und das DEC. Kabel installiert. Fertig. Die BRESSER EXOS 2 GOTO Montierung macht so einen guten Eindruck, alle Schrauben sind groß genug um auch mit Handschuhen bei niedrigen Temperaturen arbeiten zu können. Allein vom Aussehen gefällt sie mir sehr gut.

Aber, gut aussehen reicht nicht. Leider suchte ich vergeblich nach einer Polsucherbeleuchtung. Diese muss als Zubehör gekauft werden. Dafür bekommt sie keinen Applaus. Es geht zwar auch ohne, aber mit der genauen Einordnung fällt und steht die Beobachtungsnacht. Schade.

Ich habe das mitgelieferte Batteriefach mit Batterien gefüllt. Ich wollte so damit arbeiten wie sie ausgeliefert wird. Ein Netzteil kann man als Zubehör erwerben.

Auf geht’s, Montierung angestellt. Als erstes fiel mir das sehr große Display der Handbox auf. Sehr angenehm die Infos zu lesen. Keine Laufschrift sondern stehende Buchstaben. Die Umstellung auf unsere deutsche Sprache ist kein Problem. Nur dass die Schrift auf einmal viel größer wurde….warum dieses? Keine Ahnung, eventuell sind viele Deutsche kurzsichtig. Die Zeit und das Datum musste ich nicht mehr eingeben, bei Bresser werden die Montierungen mit dem Goto versehen, so dass alles schon eingegeben wurde. Auch hier ist zu beachten wenn es eingegeben werden muss, erst das Jahr, Monat und dann den Tag. Nun zum Standort: Vorgegeben sind etliche Länder und Städte. Da es aber keine Updates mehr gibt kann man eigentlich sofort damit beginnen seinen eigenen Wohnort einzugeben. Dafür einmal nach unten mit den Pfeiltasten.

Der Star Tracker der EXOS 2, die Schaltzentrale der Montierung
Die Zahnräder hinter der Abdeckung

Längen,- und Breitengrad eingeben. ( Wenn man den nicht weiß einfach im Internet oder Handy gucken ), Zeitzone hier in Deutschland ist 01. Wenn alles eingegeben ist bestätigen und das ist erledigt. Jedes Mal wenn man nun die Montierung ein schaltet nur noch auf Benutzerstandort gehen und fertig. (interne Batterie). Ich hatte für die erste gemeinsame Nacht mir folgendes vorgenommen.

Doppelschiene und 200 mm Canon Objektiv mit einer Canon EOS 6 D und 8x50 Sucher mit einer ASI ZWO 120 Guiding mit PHD2. Normalerweise sollte man die Montierung in DEC. und RA. auf vorgegebenen Pfeile stellen, dieses wollte ich aber nicht. Ging ja auch nicht, da ich mit einer Doppelschiene arbeiten wollte. Also ausgerichtet und angeschaltet. Ich wollte eine 3 Sterne Ausrichtung machen. Machte ich dann auch, einfach der Sternvorschläge ohne Widerworte folgen. (Wie in einer guten Ehe, keine Widerworte) Drei Sterne durch und fertig. Ich habe keine Ahnung ob das richtig war, schließlich war ich noch im warmen Wintergarten.

Zum Schluss sollte sie auf Home Position fahren, das tat sie auch mit der Querstellung meiner Ausrüstung. Natürlich habe ich vorher das Gewicht der Kamera, Objektiv etc. genau ausgependelt. Das ist sehr wichtig, die Gewichtsverteilung sollte schon passen. Dann ging es raus in die Dunkelheit und in die Kälte.

Die BRESSER EXOS 2 Goto Montierung grob nach Norden ausgerichtet. Nun die Montierung mittels Dosenlibelle auf dem Stativ in Waage gebracht. Dann den Deckel des Polsuchers abgezogen, den Schraubdeckel entfernt. Da keine Polsucherbeleuchtung dabei war habe ich eine Laptop Lampe genommen. Ist eine kleine LED Leuchte mit Klemme und flexiblen Arm…ist zwar kein Rotlicht, geht aber auch. Es geht auch mit der Hand box! In der Hand box vorne ist ein Rotlicht eingebaut mit verschiedenen Helligkeitsstufen. Ohne Probleme reicht die Länge des Kabels aus um in die Öffnung des Polsuchers zu leuchten. Hab ich ausprobiert, klappt. Bei der BRESSER EXOS 2 GOTO ist in der Mitte ein Strich und dort ein Kreis. Da steht Polaris. Es gibt zahlreiche APPs für das Handy. Unter anderem auch die APP- Polarfinder. Diese benutze ich immer. Automatisch habe ich die Position von Polaris. Bitte positionieren Sie den Polarstern auf den Kreis, nicht in dem Kreis. Sie können sicher sein, es passt. Ohne viel Mühe ist das erledigt.

Großdimensionierter Drehknauf
Der Polsucher der BRESSER EXOS 2

Dann habe ich die Kamera angeschlossen und den Laptop gestartet. Die Scharfstellung ist schon eine heikle Sache. Ich nehme immer den Polarstern. Bis jetzt hat es immer geklappt. Es wäre schade, wenn die ganzen Aufnahmen unscharf oder die Sterne Donuts gleichen, die Zeit sollte man sich nehmen. Zahlt sich später aus. 

M 45

Foto von Jörg Ortmann aus Hamm-Pelkum , 5.12.2016 (M 45 mit der BRESSER EXOS 2 GOTO, 24x300 Sek., ISO 400 , Canon EOS 1000 Da.)

Die BRESSER EXOS 2 Goto Montierung sollte beim ersten einrichten nur zwei Sterne anfahren, erster Stern war fast in der Mitte des Kameradisplays. Okay, ich gebe zu es war ja das Canon 70-200 mm, F4 Objektiv. Da wäre es sehr traurig wenn ich den nicht gesehen hätte, oder? Beim zweiten Stern viel ich aus den Wolken, die Montierung schlug den Polarstern vor. Alles klar! Doch ich zentrierte unsern Nordstern und bestätigte die Auswahl der Montierung. Da war ich mal gespannt. Ich scrollte auf der Handbox auf den Menüpunkt Messier Objekte und tippte die Zahlen 4 und 5 ein. Die Plejaden sollten es werden, das erste Objekt welches jemals die Montierung angefahren hat…..ein Stück Geschichte. Auf ging’s, sehr langsam und ruhig fuhr die BRESSER EXOS 2 Goto den Himmel ab. Das Motorengeräusch ist ruhig, es wird keinen Ärger mit Nachbarn geben. Und dann war meine Überraschung sehr groß, mittig strahlten die sieben Schwestern im Display der Canon 6D Kamera. Der Adler ist gelandet! Oha, das ist doch mal was, innerliche Freude machte sich breit. Doch wie wird es weitergehen? Also, M 31 die Andromeda Galaxie….ist ja nicht weit weg, 31 in dem Menüpunkt Messier Objekte eingetippt und bestätigt. Und siehe da, M 31 in der Mitte. Dann wurde ich übermütig, Deneb im Sternmenü eingegeben, Mittig. Vega eingegeben, wieder mittig. Warum fragte ich mich, denn innerlich hatte ich mich auf Frust eingestellt. Okay, sie wollte es wissen. Ab zu den Plejaden. Eine Minute Belichtung ohne Guiding. Ergebnis: Punktförmige Sterne. 120 Sekunden eingegeben und Belichtung gestartet.

Kurz in die Küche gegangen und einen Kaffee geholt. Da hatten die Sterne leichte Tropfen. Aber gut. Jetzt wollte ich mal loslegen mit der Fotografie. Ich benutzte ein 9x50 Sucher mit einer ZWO ASI 120. APT auf meinem Laptop unterstützt die Astrofotografie. Im Display von APT stellte ich M 45 nochmal richtig scharf, durch die Zoom Funktion eine tolle Sache.

Leider merkte ich die Himmelqualität lies langsam aber sicher nach. Feuchtigkeit machte sich breit und das Seeing wurde von spitze zu überhaupt nicht mehr spitze! Aber egal, es gab aber noch ein paar Einstellungen die ich machen sollte und zwar die Guiding Geschwindigkeit bei der BRESSER EXOS 2 Goto auf 0,500 ändern. Bei PHD habe ich die Kalibrierungsschritte auf 1000 reduziert. Das waren nur grobe Änderungen, ein Feintuning wird es erst bei den nächsten Tests geben. Nun habe ich die BRESSER EXOS 2 Goto mit meinem Laptop verbunden. Ich habe mir einen passenden Stern ausgesucht und die beiden Sachen sich einrichten lassen. Fertig. Die Ausschläge der Korrektur hielten sich in Grenzen. Also gut, dachte ich und wechselte in mein Belichtungsprogram. Ich stellte ISO 400 ein, 180 Sekunden Belichtungszeit und insgesamt sollten 30 Aufnahmen gemacht werden, also 2 Stunden. Ich startete die Aufnahmen. Ich war gespannt, denn man kann live die Korrekturen des Guiders sehen. 0,30 -0,85, in dem Bereich lagen die Zahlen. Das ist jetzt echt völlig in Ordnung, obwohl ich von anderen Montierungen ganz andere Zahlen gewohnt war.


M31, die Andromeda Galaxie. Aufgenommen mit einer Canon EOS 6 D und der BRESSER EXOS 2 GOTO Montierung. ISO 400/30x120 Sek.

Dann war das erste Foto fertig. Ich vergrößerte es auf dem Laptop, und man staune, die Sterne waren Punkte. Dann wurde es Zeit sich ein wenig aufzuwärmen und ich ging ins Haus. (Rentner Astrofotografie, bin halt über 50!) Nach knapp 2 Stunden ging ich raus in die dunkle, kalte Nacht um die Aufnahmen etc. zu kontrollieren. Alles noch in Ordnung. Die Schuhsohlenwärmer aus dem Baumarkt hielten das Objektiv und den Sucher Tau,- und Eisfrei. Ich entschied mich nun mit dem Sigma 120-400 mm mit F5,6 auf die Andromeda Galaxie zu schwenken. Objektiv gewechselt und dann M 31 eingegeben. Unsere Nachbargalaxie war mittig im Display der Kamera.


Die Anschlussbox der BRESSER EXOS 2 GOTO Montierung. Von links nach rechts: ST4 für Auto-Guider zum Nachführen von länger belichteten Aufnahmen, Strom, An,-Ausschalter, Hand box und Stecker für DEC.-Achse.

Das Guiding musste ich neu starten, es wollte mit der alten Einstellung nicht mehr. Das dauerte aber nicht lang und die Belichtungen konnten beginnen. Die Tests mit „richtigen“ Teleskopen werden in den nächsten Wochen folgen. Auch diese Belichtungsreihe klappte auf Anhieb. Um drei Uhr rum war es dann auch gut. Die Batterien waren noch nicht am Ende, ich aber. Alles aus stellen, wegstellen und müde ins Bett fallen.


Im Großen und Ganzen bin ich positiv überrascht. Sie hat Ihre erste Testnacht sehr gut überstanden. Sie hat das gemacht was sie sollte und wofür sie entwickelt, gebaut und verkauft wird. Alleine das Piepsen der Hand box nervt ein wenig. Kann man nicht abschalten, wenn es zu viel wird einfach Gewebeband draufkleben. Mit der Hand box muss ich mich noch ein wenig beschäftigen, wie eigentlich mit der ganzen Montierung. Als ein richtiger Test kann man es und sollte man es noch nicht sehen, 200 mm und 400 mm Objektive ist noch keine richtige Herausforderung. Aber, aufgrund ihres geringen Gewichts ist sie sehr mobil. Sollte sie wirklich das Zeug haben als Fotomontierung? Das werden wir in den nächsten Tests sehen. Alleine vom Preis her ist die BRESSER EXOS 2 Montierung schon einmal ein guter Kandidat. Sie liegt preislich zwischen Reisemontierung ( meistens ohne Goto-Funktion) und mittelschweren Montierungen, die für den mobilen Einsatz sehr schwer und unhandlich sind.


- Äquatoriale Montierung mit Dreibeinstativ aus Stahlrohr

- Startracker Goto System mit über 100.000 Himmelsobjekten

- Hochwertige Kugellager verbaut, Präzisionsgetriebe in beiden Achsen

- Maximal 13 Kilogramm Zuladung, fotografisch ca.8 Kilogramm

- Gewicht der gesamten Montierung unter 20 Kilogramm

- ST 4 Anschluss zum Auto-Guiding

- Sehr mobil durch geringes Gewicht

- Beleuchtete Hand box mit Rotlichtlampe

Testbericht zu BRESSER Full HD Deep-Sky Kamera & Guider 1.25

von Reinhard Pankrath: "Mond am Taghimmel für Astro - Fotografie geeignet?"

Gefreut hatte ich mich über längere Wolkenlücken und einen offensichtlich durchsichtigen, also klaren, Himmel. Wenn man am Tag den Mond so schön sehen kann, obwohl die Sonne noch scheint, kann der Himmel nicht trübe sein und ist folglich auch für die Verwendung eines Teleskopes gut!

Was mich dann doch geärgert hat, war die fürchterliche Luftbewegung des doch so erwünscht klaren Himmels! Aber jeder Test wird erst richtig gut und aussagekräftig, desto schwieriger er durchzuführen ist. So auch hier.

Meine Erwartung schien realistisch: Wenn der Himmel zwar klar ist, aber die Sonne noch scheint, habe ich weniger Kontrast. Und das brachte mich auf die Idee, eine bestimmte Zusammenstellung meiner Geräte zu testen. Um es vorweg zu sagen: Das Ergebnis hat meine Erwartungen weit übertroffen! Aber hier der Weg dorthin:


• Die Bresser Exos 2 Goto Montierung

• OMC 140 deluxe Teleskop (140 / 2000), ein Rumak

• Die HD – Kamera von Bresser mit dem der neuesten Entwicklung entsprechenden back illuminated Chip von Sony

Warum so?

Erstens: Die Exos 2 ist stabil und läuft gut, habe ich sowieso für meine Teleskope. Die Alternative wäre ein Fotostativ – also ist die Wahl klar :-)

Zweitens: Das OMC wurde von Harrie Rutten berechnet inklusive des überragenden Blendensystems, das für einen optimalen Kontrast sorgt. Das sollte bei Tageslicht doch besonders geeignet sein! Eine bessere Abstimmung kann ich bei anderen Teleskopen auch nicht erwarten.

Drittens: Die HD-Kamera von Bresser hat diesen modernen Chip. Rauscharm und besonders lichtempfindlich durch die derzeit modernste Technik. Kann man bei Sony nachlesen, warum diese Technik so ist. Sehr aufwändig und deshalb auch teurer als herkömmliche Cmos (außer bei Bresser, da hat mich der Preis gewundert, andere lassen es sich besser bezahlen). Aber eben effektiv. Und die Lichtempfindlichkeit der back illuminated Chips sorgt dafür, dass die Belichtungszeiten besonders kurz gehalten werden können. Gerade bei Luftunruhe wichtig, je kürzer belichtet, desto mehr „friert“ die Luftunruhe beim Einzelbild ein. Also siehe oben. Soll die Kamera mal zeigen, was sie kann.

Jetzt muss ich etwas gestehen: Beim ersten Probieren der Kamera habe ich mich über ein gegenüber anderen Programmen komplizierteres Einstellungsmenü geärgert. Da muss man tatsächlich die Bedienungsanleitung lesen! So was! - Nun, ich sage jetzt: Gut, dass es alle diese Parameter gibt. Ein bisschen lernen hat mir auch nicht geschadet und bei diesem Test hat es sich bewährt. Da kam das zugute, was man alles regeln kann.

Das Bild war trotz des Sonnenlichthimmels NICHT flau! Korrekturen am Histogramm – bitte feinfühlig, zuviel ruiniert das Bild dann doch – an der Zeit und Verstärkung, am Weißabgleich und so weiter... haben die Aufnahme des Videos mit 1000 Bildern verarbeitungswürdig gemacht. Gut, man muss vor der Aufnahme etwas Zeit investieren, um alles den Gegebenheiten anzupassen. Einer Automatik würde ich es aber sowieso nicht überlassen. Bei Aufnahmen möchte ich doch bitte noch selber eingreifen können, um das Optimum heraus zu holen. Bei dem erreichten Kontrast konnte ich dann auch die Schärfeleistung erkennen und entsprechend fokussieren. Und so entstanden dann die Videos, bis die Wolken wieder zu dicht wurden und ich abbauen musste.

Die Bearbeitung, stacken, nachbearbeiten mit verschiedenen Freewareprogrammen, in das Format des Ergebnisses für die Veröffentlichung umwandeln, erfolgte dann wie immer. Und hier das Ergebnis. Kann man erkennen, dass die Sonne geschienen hat, als die Aufnahme entstand?

Mein Fazit: Die Kamera ist sehr gut zu gebrauchen, auch wenn die Bedingungen schwierig sind, alle Achtung.

Ich freue mich, dass ich auch so den Mond fotografieren kann und nicht immer auf die Dunkelheit warten muss. Das erweitert das Zeitfenster für mein Hobby doch sehr. Und jetzt ärgere ich mich nie mehr über viele Parameter zur Einstellung der Aufnahme! :-)

Liebe Grüße und Clear Sky

Reinhard Pankrath

Alle Bilder: Alle Rechte / Copyright bei Reinhard Pankrath

With BRESSER, you can enjoy a smooth introduction to the vast world of astronomy. Our detailed information ("Telescope Guide") provides valuable tips for beginners— but even experienced astronomers can use the information we provide (e.g., tables for the geographical latitude of all major world cities) as a reference.

Here is the table of contents of the comprehensive BRESSER Telescope Guide:

With BRESSER, you can enjoy a smooth introduction to the vast world of astronomy. Our detailed information ("Telescope Guide") provides valuable tips for beginners—but even experienced astronomers can use the information we provide (e.g., tables for the geographical latitude of all major world cities) as a reference.

Here is the table of contents of the comprehensive BRESSER Telescope Guide:

Product information "BRESSER Messier EXOS-2 EQ GoTo Mount"
BRESSER EXOS-2 GoTo Equatorial Mount. Mount, tripod and hand box with computer. This German mount has tracking motors in both axes that follow celestial objects very precisely.
The handbox with GoTo works reliable and controls the mount in every situation. 
Precise ball bearings in both axes ensures minimal backlash at all nine possible tracking speeds.
The battery pack (12 V) is conveniently fastened to the tripod shelf and takes eight size "D" batteries.
The mount rests on a very tough and rigid stainless steel tripod and can take optical tubes of up to 13 kg. 

GOTO - Stargazing at the push of a button! 
The Startracker GoTo System enables beginners to start astronomical observations in just a few minutes, and guides you to objects that are hard to localize through a standard finder scope.
Just push the button and the GoTo System will find planets, nebulae or galaxies for you and position your telescope automatically and precise.
The GoTo System database includes thousands of astronomical objects.
The Messier mount with GoTo System allows you to observe without tedious searching, or image faint objects that are hard to find in a standard finder scope.
The BRESSER StarTracker GoTo systems uses servo motors for both axes and features an ST-4 compatible autoguiding input. Guiding aggressivity can be set on the mount itself. 
The menu navigation of the Startracker Handbox is also multilingual and offers the settings of German, English, French, Spanish and Italian.

  • Stable parallactic mount with fine drive in both axes
  • Ball bearings in both axes for more precise movements
  • Stable height adjustable stainless steel tripod ( Min. 69cm / Max. 109,5cm )
  • Load capacity up to 13 kg payload
  • Circular bubble for easy horizontal alignment
  • GoTo Mount with motors and hand box controller, for easy finding and guiding moon, planets, stars and much more
  • ST-4 compatible autoguider interface
  • Pole height scale for setting the latitude
  • Scaled graduated circular rings to facilitate finding objects using a star atlas or planetarium software
  • Pole finder scope with optional illumination ( item no. 4964212 )
  • Tripod weight: 4.7 kg
  • Mount weight: 6.7 kg (without counterweight)
  • Total weight incl. counterweight: 15.9 kg
  • Batteries: not included
  • Equatorial EXOS 2 GOTO mount with stainless steel tripod and Startracker handcontroller
  • Adjustable polar finder scope with optional illumination
  • Stainless steel tube field tripod with accessory tray
  • 1 x 4.5 kg counterweight
Bearing in alt-azimuth / RA: 2 ball bearings
Bearing in elevation / DEC: 2 ball bearings
Colour: white
Drive system in RA / AZ: 12V DC servo motors with encoders
Fine movements: Electric (RA and DEC)
Focus Group [Telescopes]: Advanced Amateurs, Beginners
Material: Stainless steel
Material tripod 3): Stainless Steel
Mount Type [Telescopes]: German/Equatorial Mount with GoTo

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BRESSER Universal Power Supply 230/12V, 3.0A
Versatile wall adapter for all telescopes with 12V. Suitable for BRESSER MCX 102/127 Goto Telescope, BRESSER EXOS II Goto Mount, BRESSER Automatik 80/400 Telescope, National Geographic 70mm/90mm Goto Telescope etc. FEATURESInput: 100-240 V ~ 60/50HzOutput: 12 V DC 3000 mAjack plug 2.5/5.5mm SCOPE OF DELIVERYBRESSER Universal Power Supply

BRESSER Messier NT-150L/1200 Hexafoc Optical Tube
NEW - now including a high-quality aperture Solar-filter for safe observation of sunspots, eclipses and planet transits. Great telescope for night and solar observation.The MESSIER NT-150 excells with high rigidity and tack-sharp optics. 150mm aperture enable you to observe bright nebulas in the depth of space. Find the remnants of a gigantic stellar explosion in the year 1054 in the constallation Taurus or scan the glowing bands of the Great Orion Nebula. Detect the famous Whirlpool Galaxy in the Big Dipper or find the Dumpbell-Nebula in the constellation Vulpecula. This telescope is only an optical tube without mount and tripod.Please note: Reflector telescopes with optical design Newton are very good for astronomical observing at the starry night sky. But these telescopes are not well usable for observing landscape and nature during daylight. Therefore we suggest BRESSER refractor (lens) telescopes for landscape and nature observing. CHARACTERISTICS Optical design: reflector telescopeMirror diameter: 150 mm / focal length: 1200 mm / F/8Maximum recommended magnification: 300xTelescope for night and solar observation Collects 460x more light than the human eye Pure colour reproduction of the objects Very high quality Hexafoc focuser with 2.5" free inner diameter Optimized finder socket for comfortable use Cradle rings with handle and integrated piggyback camera holder (1/4 thread) Smartphone adapter for sky navigation included Dovetail plate with stainless steel rail T2 thread for DSLR cameras (T2-adapter ring for your camera is needed) 50,8 mm (2) to 31,7 mm (1,25) adapter with integrated T2 thread (T2-adapter ring for your camera is needed)SCOPE OF DELIVERYOptical tube 26 mm Super Plössl eyepiece 31,7 mm (1.25") Integrated 31,7mm and T2 adapter Prism rail with stainless steel clamping surface Adapter for 50.8 mm (2") eyepieces 6x30 optical viewfinder Rotatable star map Aperture solar filter Tube clamp with handle and camera holder Smartphone adapter for celestial navigation Software Stellarium (via download)

BRESSER Car Adapter Cable 12V/7.5m
With the BRESSER car adapter cable 12V (7.5m) telescope mounts such as the LXD-75 or EXOS-2 Goto and many more can be powered by the cigarette lighter of your car.FEATURESCar adapter cable for telescope mounts12VCable length: 7.5 metersPower plug 2,5/5,5mm (inner/outer diameter) SCOPE OF DELIVERYcar adapter cable

BRESSER Messier NT203s/800 Optical Tube
NEW – now including a high-quality aperture Solar-filter for safe observation of sunspots, eclipses and planet transits. Great telescope for night and solar observation.In the past few years the Bresser Newton telescopes have become the standard workhorse for Deep Sky astrophotography. We now proudly present the second generation of this telescope, the Bresser NT-203s/800 with Hexafoc and a fast parabolic main mirror. The Bresser NT-203s/800 f3.9 will deliver you deeper images due to its - compared to 8" f/5 systems - oversized primary mirror and therefore faster optical system with the same exposure time. The big 85 mm secondary prevents vignetting for optimal illumination The excellent 2.5" Hexafoc focuser also does not cause vignetting due to its large diameter and makes focussing a joy - the smoothness and shifting-free operation sets new standards in this price class. This groundbreaking focuser, tube rings with 44mm universal standard dovetail and camera mounting feature and a high-end finderscope with haircross and laser-engraved scale  leave nothing to desire even for demanding astrophotographers. The NT-203s/800 Hexafoc has a classical tube construction with an aluminium tube. The focuser can be upgraded with a 10:1 reduction (part No. 0625720) without problems. Ready to use with the  HR Coma Corrector (part No. 0510330) which eliminates coma, field-curvature and astigmatism.Please note: Reflector telescopes with optical design Newton are very good for astronomical observing at the starry night sky. But these telescopes are not well usable for observing landscape and nature during daylight. Therefore we suggest BRESSER refractor (lens) telescopes for landscape and nature observing.CHARCTERISTICS Optical design: reflector telescopeMirror diameter: 203 mm / focal length: 800 mm / F/3.9Maximum recommended magnification: 406xTelescope for night and solar observing Very high quality Hexafoc focuser with 2.5" free inner diameter Diffraction limited optics with parabolic main mirror 8x50 straight through viewfinder with reticle Optimized finder socket for comfortable use Cradle rings with handle and integrated piggyback camera holder (1/4 thread) Smartphone adapter for celestial navigation included Dovetail plate with stainless steel rail Can be connected to SLR cameras (optional T2 ring required) 50.8mm (2) to 31.7mm (1.25) adapter with integrated T2 thread (T2-adapter ring for your camera is needed) Aperture 203 mm Focal length 800 mm Focal ratio f/3.9 Backfocus fully inward focused: 100 mm 85 mm secondary mirror for optimal illumination Large knobs for primary and secondary mirror adjustment Tube without accessories: 8.7 kg - Tube with all accessories mounted: 11.5 kgSCOPE OF DELIVERYOptical tube 26 mm Super Plössl eyepiece 31,7 mm (1.25") Integrated 31,7 mm and T2 adapter Prism rail with stainless steel clamping surface Adapter for 50.8 mm (2") eyepieces 8x50 optical viewfinder Rotatable star map Aperture solar filter Tube clamp with handle and camera holder Smartphone adapter for celestial navigation Software Stellarium (via download)

LUNT LS100PS Dovetail Bar 100mm (GP level)
This dovetail plate with 100mm length is suitable for Lunt Solar Systems LS50THa, LS60THa, LS60MT, and LS80THa telescopes.The width of the dovetail is conform to the GP-level standard. Therefore it could be used at the BRESSER EXOS 1+2 mounts for example, but also at many other mounts. The telescope connecting screws are 1/4-20 inch size and they do not look out of the rail, which makes this rail a perfect match for many astronomical mounts. The distance between the screws is matched for the Lunt Solar Systems telescopes LS50THa, LS60THa, LS60MT, and LS80THa.FEATURESLength: 100mmWidth: 44mmDistance between screws: 35mmScrews thread: 1/4"-20SCOPE OF DELIVERY1 x 100mm dovetail plate2 x 1/4"-20 screws

LUNT LS150PS Dovetail Bar 150mm (GP level)
This dovetail plate with 150mm length is suitable for Lunt Solar Systems LS50THa, LS60THa, LS60MT, and LS80THa telescopes.The width of the dovetail is conform to the GP-level standard. Therefore it could be used at the BRESSER EXOS 1+2 mounts for example, but also at many other mounts. The telescope connecting screws are 1/4-20 inch size and they do not look out of the rail, which makes this rail a perfect match for many astronomical mounts. The distance between the screws is matched for the Lunt Solar Systems telescopes LS50THa, LS60THa, LS60MT, and LS80THa.FEATURESLength: 150mmWidth: 44mmDistance between screws: 35mmScrews thread: 1/4"-20SCOPE OF DELIVERY1 x 150mm dovetail plate2 x 1/4"-20 screws

BRESSER Messier 203/1200 Hexafoc Optical Tube
NEW – now including a high-quality aperture Solar-filter for safe observation of sunspots, eclipses and planet transits. Great telescope for night and solar observation.The BRESSER Messier NT-203/1200 enables observations, which were not feasible in this price range only a few years ago. This Messier NT203/1200 is optimized for planetary observations because of the longer focal length and less obruction which offers a better sharpness and contrast. The most advanced manufacturing technology allows to follow the shadows of the moons of Jupiter on the planet itself ; the abundance of structures and details on the surface of Jupiter are stunning. The BRESSER Messier NT-203/1200 can not only score in the planetary observation: Discover structures in distant galaxies and let yourself be captivated by the fog patches of the emission nebula in the vastness of the Milky Way. See the remains of exploded giant stars the Messier NT-203/1200 and observe the birthplaces of the new star. You will be surprised of the beauties of the universe with this larger than average device! This telescope is only an optical tube without mount and tripod.Please note: Reflector telescopes with optical design Newton are very good for astronomical observing at the starry night sky. But these telescopes are not well usable for observing landscape and nature during daylight. Therefore we suggest BRESSER refractor (lens) telescopes for landscape and nature observing. CHARACTERISTICSOptical design: reflector telescopeMirror diameter: 203 mm / focal length: 1200 mm / F/6Maximum recommended magnification: 406xTelescope for night and solar observation Advanced optics for planetary observations Longer focal length and less light obstruction Offers an even sharper view with high contrast Very high quality Hexafoc focuser with 2,5" free inner diameter Diffraction limited optics with parabolic main mirror 8x50 straight through viewfinder with reticle Optimized finder socket for comfortable use Cradle rings with handle and integrated piggyback camera holder (1/4 thread) Smartphone adapter for celestial navigation included Dovetail plate with stainless steel rail 50,8 mm (2'') to 31,7 mm (1,25'') adapter with integrated T2 thread (T2-adapter ring for your camera is needed)SCOPE OF DELIVERYOptical tube 26 mm Super Plössl eyepiece 31,7 mm (1.25") Integrated 31,7mm and T2 adapter Prism rail with stainless steel clamping surface Adapter for 50.8 mm (2") eyepieces 8x50 optical viewfinder Rotatable star map Aperture solar filter Tube clamp with handle and camera holder Smartphone adapter for celestial navigation Software Stellarium (via download)

LUNT LS300PS Dovetail Bar 300mm (GP level)
This dovetail plate with 300mm length is suitable for Lunt Solar Systems LS50THa, LS60THa, LS60MT, and LS80THa telescopes.The width of the dovetail is conform to the GP-level standard. Therefore it could be used at the BRESSER EXOS 1+2 mounts for example, but also at many other mounts. The telescope connecting screws are 1/4-20 inch size and they do not look out of the rail, which makes this rail a perfect match for many astronomical mounts. The distance between the screws is matched for the Lunt Solar Systems telescopes LS50THa, LS60THa, LS60MT, and LS80THa.Technical data:• Length: 300mm• Width: 44mm• Distance between screws: 35mm• Screws thread: 1/4"-20Delivered by order:• 1 x 300mm dovetail plate• 2 x 1/4"-20 screws

BRESSER Messier MC-127/1900 OTA Optical Tube
NEW – now including a high-quality aperture Solar-filter for safe observation of sunspots, eclipses and planet transits. Great telescope for night and solar observation.The best catadioptic design named Maksutov-Cassegrain produces a sharp, crispy and high-contrast image. A perfect telescope for a convenient entry into astronomy. CHARACTERISTICS Telescope for night and solar observation High-quality Maksutov-Cassegrain optics with high focal length and extremely sharp image Ideal for small bright nebulas, globular clusters, the moon, planets Optical design: Maksutov-Cassegrain Maximum recommended magnification: 254x Aperture: 127 mm Focal length: 1900 mm Aperture ratio: f/15 Optical coatings: Multi-Coating Universal 44 mm Dovetail plate with stainless steel rail (fits LXD75/Great Polaris/EQ5) SCOPE OF DELIVERYMaksutov Optical Tube Assembly 26mm SuperPlössl eyepiece (31.7 mm / 1.25'')SC Eyepiece adapter (31.7 mm / 1.25'') Star diagonal mirrorDovetail plate for GP LevelLED viewfinderAperture solar-filterRotatable star mapSoftware Stellarium (via download)Tube thread: M51x1.0mm

BRESSER Messier AR-102xs/460 Hexafoc Optical Tube
NEW - now including a high-quality aperture Solar-filter for safe observation of sunspots, eclipses and planet transits. Great telescope for night and solar observation. Ambitious beginners and advanced observers alike will see the brightest objects outside our solar system with the MESSIER AR-102xs. Watch details in the Great Orion Nebula from the astonishing distance of 1500 lightyears ( km)! Scanning the lunar terminator is simply a pleasure. Scanning the Milky Way in Saggitarius shows a multitude of deep-sky objects. Richfield telescope with ED glass lens and a short focal length of 460mm. Suitable for traveling and to observe large open star clusterns and the milky way This telescope is only an optical tube without mount and tripod. FEATURESOptical design: refractor telescopeLens diameter: 102 mm / focal length: 460 mm / F/4.5Maximum recommended magnification: 204x Very high quality Hexafoc focuser with 2.5" free inner diameter 6x30 straight through viewfinder;optimized finder bracket for comfortable use 31.7mm (1.25") diagonal mirror Universal 44 mm Dovetail plate with stainless steel rail (fits LXD75/Great Polaris/EQ5) 50,8 mm (2'') to 31,7mm (1,25'') adapter with integrated T2 thread (optional T2-adapter ring for your camera is needed) telescope for night and solar observation SCOPE OF DELIVERY optical tube Eyepiece: 26 mm Super Ploessl 31.7mm (1.25") 31,7 mm (1,25") diagonal mirror integrated 31,7mm and T2 adapter Prism rail with stainless steel clamping surface (44mm universal dovetrail for GP/EQ5/LXD75) 6x30 viewfinder rotable star chart Objective Solar- filter Software Stellarium ( via Download)

BRESSER Messier MC-152 Hexafoc Optical Tube Assembly
NEW - now including a high-quality aperture Solar-filter for safe observation of sunspots, eclipses and planet transits. Great telescope for night and solar observation.The MESSIER MC-152 excells due to its compact optics. The long focal length of this telescope facilitates relaxed observations with high magnifications - the compact size makes it the perfect mobile telescope. 150mm aperture enable you to observe bright nebulas in the depth of space. Find the remnants of a gigantic stellar explosion in the year 1054 in the constallation Taurus or scan the glowing bands of the Great Orion Nebula. Detect the famous Whirlpool Galaxy in the Big Dipper or find the Dumpbell-Nebula in the constellation Vulpecula. This telescope is only an optical tube without mount and tripod.FEATURESTelescope for night and solar observationHigh quality BRESSER Maksutov opticsIdeal for planets, double stars and planetary nebulaeExcellent focuser with 65mm open diameteroptimized finder socket for comfortable use Cradle rings with handle and integrated piggyback camera holder (1/4 thread) Smartphone camera adapter for sky navigation includedUniversal 44mm Dovetail plate with stainless steel rail (fits LXD75/Great Polaris/EQ5)T2 thread for DSLR cameras (T2-adapter ring for your camera is needed) 50,8mm (2") to 31,7mm (1,25") adapter with integrated T2 thread (T2-adapter ring for your camera is needed) SCOPE OF DELIVERYoptical tubeaperture solar-filter26mm Super Plössl eyepiece (31.7mm / 1.25")integrated 31.7 mm and T2 adapteradapter for 50.8 mm (2")mounting ring (for EXOS and similar mounts)handle with camera holderSmartphone adapter for celestial navigation6x30 Viewfinder90° star diagonal 31,7mm (1,25")astronomy PC software Stellariumrotatable star map

BRESSER Messier AR-102s/600 Hexafoc OTA
NEW - now including a high-quality aperture Solar-filter for safe observation of sunspots, eclipses and planet transits. Great telescope for night and solar observation. Ambitious beginners and advanced observers alike will see the brightest objects outside our solar system with the MESSIER AR-102. Watch details in the Great Orion Nebula from the astonishing distance of 1500 lightyears ( km)! Scanning the lunar terminator is simply a pleasure. Scanning the Milky Way in Saggitarius shows a multitude of deep-sky objects. This telescope is only an optical tube without mount and tripod. FEATURESOptical design: refractor telescopeLens diameter: 102 mm / focal length: 600 mm / F/6Maximum recommended magnification: 204x Very high quality Hexafoc focuser with 2.5" free inner diameter 6x30 straight through viewfinder;optimized finder bracket for comfortable use 31.7 mm (1.25") diagonal mirror Cradle rings with handle and integrated piggyback camera holder (1/4'' thread) Universal 44 mm Dovetail plate with stainless steel rail (fits LXD75/Great Polaris/EQ5) 50,8mm (2'') to 31,7mm (1,25'') adapter with integrated T2 thread (optional T2-adapter ring for your camera is needed) Smartphone adapter for sky navigation included telescope for night and solar observation SCOPE OF DELIVERY optical tube Eyepiece: 26 mm Super Ploessl 31.7 mm (1.25") 31,7 mm (1,25") diagonal mirror integrated 31,7 mm and T2 adapter Prism rail with stainless steel clamping surface (44mm universal dovetrail for GP/EQ5/LXD75) 6x30 viewfinder rotable star chart Objective Solar- filter Tube clamp with handle and camera holder Smartphone adapter for celestial navigation Software Stellarium ( via Download)

BRESSER Counterbalance 4,5kg for EXOS-2/EQ5
Additional counterweight to balance heavy accessories etc.

BRESSER Messier AR-102/1000 Hexafoc Optical Tube assembly
NEW - now including a high-quality aperture Solar-filter for safe observation of sunspots, eclipses and planet transits. Great telescope for night and solar observation. Ambitious beginners and advanced observers alike will see the brightest objects outside our solar system with the BRESSER Messier AR-102 telescope. Watch details in the Great Orion Nebula from the astonishing distance of 1500 lightyears ( km)! Scanning the lunar terminator is simply a pleasure. You will never give the BRESSER Messier AR-102 Telescope away voluntarily.  This telescope is only an optical tube without mount and tripod. FEATURESOptical design: refractor telescopeLens diameter: 102 mm / focal length: 1000 mm / F/9.8Maximum recommended magnification: 204x Very high quality Hexafoc focuser with 2.5" free inner diameter 6x30 straight through viewfinder;optimized finder bracket for comfortable use 31.7 mm (1.25'') diagonal mirror Cradle rings with handle and integrated piggyback camera holder (1/4'' thread) Universal 44 mm Dovetail plate with stainless steel rail (fits LXD75/Great Polaris/EQ5) 50.8 mm (2'') to 31.7 mm (1.25'') adapter with integrated T2 thread (optional T2-adapter ring for your camera is needed) Smartphone adapter for sky navigation included telescope for night and solar observation SCOPE OF DELIVERY optical tube Eyepiece: 26 mm Super Ploessl 31.7 mm (1.25") 31.7 mm (1.25") diagonal mirror integrated 31.7 mm and T2 adapter Prism rail with stainless steel clamping surface (44 mm universal dovetrail for GP/EQ5/LXD75) 6x30 viewfinder rotable star chart Objective Solar- filter Tube clamp with handle and camera holder Smartphone adapter for celestial navigation Software Stellarium (via Download)

BRESSER Messier AR-127S/635 OTA Optical Tube Hexafoc
NEW - now including a high-quality aperture Solar-filter for safe observation of sunspots, eclipses and planet transits. Great telescope for night and solar observation.Due to the short focal length the BRESSER Messier AR-127S telescope provides large and bright fields of view. Don't forget to observe the Anrdomeda Galaxy with the Messier AR-127S! The glow of this object that you can observe from the immense distance of 2 million lightyears is as spectacular as it is to watch large nebulae with the Messier AR-127S. Because of the large aperture it is even possible to use nebular filters on the Messier AR-127S telescope. These filters can enhance the appearance of emission nebulae to an astonishing contrast level. The special four lens construction delivers a better perfomance than a classical two lens achromat of this focal length.FEATURESOptical design: refractor telescopeLens diameter: 127 mm / focal length: 635 mm / F/5Maximum recommended magnification: 254xTelescope for night and solar observationHigh quality BRESSER refractor opticsUniversal telescope for planets, double stars, planetary nebulae and deep-skyExcellent focuser with 2,5'' (65 mm) open diameter6x30 straight through viewfinder reticleoptimized finder socket for comfortable useCradle rings with handle and integrated piggyback camera holder (1/4 thread)Smartphone camera adapter for sky navigation includedUniversal 44 mm Dovetail plate with stainless steel rail (fits LXD75/Great Polaris/EQ5)50,8 mm (2'') to 31,7 mm (1,25'') adapter with integrated T2 thread (T2-adapter ring for your camera is needed) SCOPE OF DELIVERYOptical Tubeaperture solar-filtereyepieces: 26 mm Super Ploessl 31.7 mm (1.25'')2'' eyepiece adapter8x50 viewfinder Smartphone adapter for celestial navigationDiagonal mirrorTube clamp with handle and camera holder

Illumination Unit Polefinder EXOS-2 thread M8x0.75
Red polar viewfinder illumination unit for BRESSER EXOS-2 mounts with fixing thread M8x0.75mm. An adjustable illumination makes it easier to find the marked sky objects on the polar viewfinder.IMPORTANT NOTEPlease verify the type of fixing thread prior to your purchase. We offer two different sizes: 12mm (part No. 4964211 for older EXOS-2 mounts) and 8mm (part No. 4964212 for newer EXOS-2 mounts)FEARTURESRetrofittable red pole finder illumination for BRESSER EXOS-2Illuminates the graticule in the viewfinderMakes it easier to find the celestial objectsAlso for 4900850 BRESSER 8x50 viewfinder as spare partAlso for Explore Scientific 8x50 viewfinders as spare partSCOPE OF DELIVERYPolar Viewfinder Illumination unit for EXOS-2Fixing thread M8x0.75mm

OCULUM VERLAG - Fernrohr-Führerschein in 4 Schritten (GERMAN)
Please note that this astronomy book for beginners is only available in German.

BRESSER Messier AR-152L/1200 Hexafoc Optical Tube
NEW – now including a high-quality aperture Solar-filter for safe observation of sunspots, eclipses and planet transits. Great telescope for night and solar observation.For the ambitious planetary observer the BRESSER Messier AR-152L is a dream machine. View tiny dots and structures in the cloud bands of Jupiter, small rims and craters on the surface of the moon and details on Mars, including the ice-covered polar regions of our neighbouring planet. Watch Jupiter's moons dance around the planet and detect the greenish glow of Uranus far beyond Saturns orbit. The combination of large aperture and long focal length provides tack-sharp high-contrast pictures that will impress you every time anew. This telescope is only an optical tube without mount and tripod. CHARACTERISTICS Optical design: refractor telescopeLens diameter: 152 mm / focal length: 1200 mm / F/7.9Maximum recommended magnification: 254xTelescope for night and solar observation High-quality and light gathering achromatic objective lens Modern multi-coating of the lenses for a bright and high-contrast image Robust aluminium tube construction Very high quality Hexafoc focuser with 2.5" free inner diameter 8x50 viewfinder with crosshair eyepiece Optimised finder mount for comfortable viewing 31.7 mm (1.25") zenith mirror Cradle rings with handle and integrated piggyback camera holder (1/4 thread) Smartphone adapter for celestial navigation included Prism rail with stainless steel clamping surface (44 mm universal dovetail for GP/EQ5/LXD75) 50.8 to 31.7mm adapter with integrated T2 adapter (optional T2 ring required) SCOPE OF DELIEVRY Optical tube 26 mm Super Plössl eyepiece 31,7 mm(1.25'') 31,7 mm (1.25") Zenith mirror, Integrated 31,7 mm and T2 adapter Prism rail with stainless steel clamping surface Adapter for 50.8 mm (2") eyepieces 8x50 optical viewfinder Rotatable star map Aperture solar filter Tube clamp with handle and camera holder Smartphone adapter for celestial navigation Astronomy PC software Stellarium (via download)

BRESSER Messier NT-150S/750 Hexafoc Optical Tube
NEW – now including a high-quality aperture Solar-filter for safe observation of sunspots, eclipses and planet transits. Great telescope for night and solar observation. The BRESSER Messier N-150s excels with tack-sharp parabolic optics. The 150mm aperture enables you to observe bright nebulas in the depth of space. Find the remnants of a gigantic stellar explosion from the year 1054 in the Taurean constellation, or scan the glowing bands of the great Orion Nebula. Detect the famous Whirlpool Galaxy in the Big Dipper or find the Dumpbell-Nebula in the constellation Vulpecula (little fox). This telescope is only an optical tube without mount and tripod. Please note: Reflector telescopes with optical design Newton are very good for astronomical observing at the starry night sky. But these telescopes are not well usable for observing landscape and nature during daylight. Therefore we suggest BRESSER refractor (lens) telescopes for landscape and nature observing. CHARACTERISTICS OPTICS Optical design: reflector telescope Mirror diameter: 150 mm / focal length: 750 mm / F/5 Maximum recommended magnification: 300x Telescope for night and solar observation Very high quality Hexafoc focuser with 2,5'' free inner diameter Diffraction limited optics with parabolic main mirror 6x30 straight through viewfinder with reticle Optimized finder socket for comfortable use Cradle rings with handle and integrated piggyback camera holder (1/4 thread) Smartphone adapter for celestial navigation included Dovetail plate with stainless steel rail 50,8 mm (2) to 31,7 mm (1,25) adapter with integrated T2 thread (T2-adapter ring for your camera is needed) SCOPE OF DELIVERY Optical tube 26mm Super Plössl eyepiece (31.7 mm / 1.25'') Integrated 31.7 mm and T2 adapter Prism rail with stainless steel clamping surface Adapter for 50.8 mm (2'' eyepieces) 6x30 optical viewfinder Rotatable star map Aperture solar filter Tube clamp with handle and camera holder Smartphone adapter for celestial navigation Astronomy PC software Stellarium (via download)

BRESSER Mobile Solar Charger 60 Watt with USB and DC output
Self-sufficient travel with the BRESSER solar charger Whether camping, sailing, trekking or swimming at the nearest lake – anyone who enjoys being outdoors for long periods of time does not want to do without their smartphone, tablet, powerbank, etc. But one question quickly arises: where can I find the nearest power socket? After all, every battery runs out and our practical everyday helpers can't manage without electricity. With the ultra-compact BRESSER solar charger, you simply use the power of the sun to charge your devices. The environmentally friendly solar energy is free of charge – and you remain independent of the power grid! Simply open it up, put it down and immediately produce green solar powerThe handling is very simple: unfold the solar panel and align it as perpendicularly as possible to the sun. Then connect the device to be charged to the solar charger, either with a suitable USB cable (not included) or with the included DC connection cable. The charging process begins immediately. Which devices can the solar panel charge? The solar charger gets all devices with a USB power supply connection or the above-mentioned DC power plug connection up and running again in no time – e.g. smartphones, tablets, power banks, portable playstations, MP4 players, GPS devices and Bluetooth headphones. It is also suitable for charging large power stations such as the BRESSER Power Station 100 Watt (art. no.3810000) and the BRESSER Power Station 500 Watt (art. no. 3810020) as well as power stations from other manufacturers with suitable connection values.Universal charger with flexible connection optionsTwo black USB A sockets for normal charging and another orange USB A socket with QC3.0 standard for fast charging of newer generations of devices are available for powering your devices. An additional universal connection cable with a hollow DC plug 5.5/2.1 mm in diameter and 2.5 metres long, as well as 10 plug adapters (7.9/5.5mm, 7.4/5.0mm, 6.5/4.3mm, 6.3/3.0mm, 5.5/2.5mm, 5.5/1.7mm, 5.5/3.2mm, 4.8/1.7mm, 4.0/1.7mm, 3.5/1.35mm) are included in the scope of delivery. The polarity of the connectors is as follows: Inner contact = positive (+), outer contact = negative (-). How long does it take to charge a battery?Most modern devices with built-in batteries indicate the current charging status of the battery on a display or status LEDs. The charging process is also automatically terminated by the internal charger of the smartphone or tablet, etc., as soon as the battery is full.Nevertheless, it is helpful to know how long a full charge theoretically takes with an empty battery. This is the only way to choose the right solar panel model for the requirements of the devices you want to charge.Here is a short calculation: Divide the capacity of the battery (mAh) by the charging current of the charger (mA) and multiply this by a factor of 75. This then gives you the approximate charging time in minutes that is required to fully charge the battery at 100% sunshine duration.Example 1: A battery with a capacity of 3000mAh (3.0 Ah) and a charging current via 5 volt USB connection of 3400mA (3.4 amps). So 3000 : 3400 x 75 = 66 minutes. Dividing the result by 60 gives the charging time in hours: 1.1 hours.This means that an average smartphone can be fully charged in just about 1.1 hours with a 60-watt solar panel.   Example 2: A large power station battery with a capacity of 13000mAh (13.0 Ah) and a charging current via 18 volts DC plug connection of 3300mA (3.3 amps). So 13000 : 3300 x 75 = 295 minutes. Dividing the result by 60 gives the charging time in hours: 4.9 hours.This means that an average smartphone can be fully charged in just about 5 hours with a 60-watt solar panel.   Carabiner hook for attachment includedIn order to attach the solar panel securely to an object and align it perfectly with the sun, 4 sturdy snap hooks are included in the scope of delivery. Simply connect them to the riveted ring eyelets of the solar panel and use them to hang the solar charger stably, e.g. on a tent loop, a fence or other suitable holding points. Innovative solar cell technology with high efficiency Monocrystalline silicium cells ensure high efficiency and the fastest possible charging of the device batteries. This means maximum electricity yield per solar surface. As a result, you benefit from relatively high charging currents and short charging times with a compact design.Easy transportThanks to the modern and flat design, you can easily fold the individual segments of the solar panel into a small bag and stow it in your luggage while saving space. Always ready for the next spontaneous use.Robust, dust- and water-repellent materials The durable Cordura fabric is extremely tear-resistant but still flexible. It protects the valuable solar panel from damage and provides the necessary stability during use. The solar panel is dust- and water-repellent, it withstands most weather conditions and is your ideal companion for almost all outdoor activities. Nevertheless, the solar panel should not be exposed to direct rain or extreme humidity.IMPORTANT NOTESThe solar panel does not have an integrated charger or charge controller. Therefore, it is not suitable for directly charging loose battery cells or lead batteries. It is only suitable for smartphones, tablets and power banks, for example, because they always have built-in internal chargers.The solar panel does not have its own battery, but serves exclusively as a power source in sunshine for charging electronic devices.When connecting the devices to be charged via the DC bar plug, always ensure the required voltage and correct polarity. Otherwise, damage may occur to the electronics of the solar panel and the devices to be charged.Do not leave the solar panel outdoors at night with high humidity or in the rain. This could damage the internal electronics. FEATURESSolar panel with output power of max. 60 wattsSolar panel for charging battery-powered devicesSuitable for smartphones, tablets, power banks and larger power stations etc.Simply unfold, point towards the sun and the charging startsStay independent even without a 230-volt socketFree electricity through solar energyNo emissions and zero noiseConnection via 3 x USB A and DC hollow plug with adaptersIncludes one orange USB A jack with QC3.0 for fast chargingMonocrystalline silicium cells with high efficiencyEnables high charging currents and short charging timesCompact transport dimensions due to foldable designRobust, dust- and water-repellent materials Ideal for all outdoor activitiesSPECIFICATIONSOutput power of the solar panel: 60 wattsOutput voltage at the DC connection cable: 18 voltsOutput current at the DC connection cable: max. 3.3 ampsUSB A sockets: 2 x black USB and 1 x orange USB QC3.0 (for quick charging)Output voltage at the black USB A sockets: 5 voltsOutput current at the black USB A sockets: max. 3.1 ampsOutput voltage and current at the orange USB A QC3 socket: 5V3.4A/9V2.5A/12V2.0ADC connection cable length: 2.5 metresDC plug adapters: 7.9/5.5mm, 7.4/5.0mm, 6.5/4.3mm, 6.3/3.0mm, 5.5/2.5mm, 5.5/1.7mm, 5.5/3.2mm, 4.8/1.7mm, 4.0/1.7mm, 3.5/1.35mmPolarity of DC connectors: inner contact = positive (+), outer contact = negative (-)Transport dimensions when folded: 415 x 370 x 45 mmDimensions when unfolded: 1275 x 415 x 25 mmWeight: 2.55 kgSCOPE OF DELIVERYSolar panel 60 Watt (1 piece)Carabiner hook (4 pieces)Integrated DC connection cable (1 piece)Plug adapter (10 pieces)User manual

BRESSER Counterbalance 2.0 kg for EXOS-1 + 2
Additional counterweight to balance heavy accessories etc.FEATUREScolor matched with the Bresser EXOS-1/2 seriessuitable for counterbalance bar with 20mm diameterSCOPE OF DELIVERY1x counterbalance 2.0kg


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Explore Scientific ASTRO R-LITE red light Flashlight
The ASTRO R-LITE red light flashlight is the ideal companion at night to read star charts or make adjustments to the equipment without losing the dark adaptation of the eyes. The ASTRO R-LITE offers 3 functions: Continuous light bright / Continuous light dark / Flashing. The large diffusing lens results in a very large and evenly illuminated light cone, which can also be adjusted by a sliding mechanism. By using a power-saving LED lamp, the battery life (1 x AA-LR6) is up to 100 hours. Of course, the robust lamp housing made of aluminium is splash-proof according to IPX4 and therefore particularly well suited for outdoor applications. The side cutouts on the front of the ASTRO R-LITE provide a 360° signal function. The 50 cm long carrying strap with quick coupling and an extra belt clip included in the scope of delivery ensure that the flashlight is always quickly at hand. The ASTRO R-LITE should not be missing in any equipment. FEATURES ASTRO R-LITE Red Light Flashlight Reading star maps at night Dark adaptation of the eyes is retained Continuous light bright / Continuous light dark / Flashing 360° signal function Large diffusing lens produces a uniformly illuminated light cone Carrying strap and belt clip included Battery life up to 100 hours - Battery (1 x AA-LR6) Splash-proof according to IPX4Robust lamp housing made of aluminiumSCOPE OF DELIVERYASTRO R-LITE Red Light Flashlight Carrying strap Belt clip Battery (1 x AA-LR6)

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BRESSER Universal Smartphone Adapter Deluxe
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BRESSER MikrOkular Full HD eyepiece camera
Save pictures and videos from your microscope or telescope directly in Full HD resolution on your PC. The BRESSER MikrOkular Full HD is an eyepiece camera that can be used directly instead of the eyepiece of your telescope or microscope. Adapters for various devices (all common eyepiece dimensions from different manufacturers) and multilingual recording software for Windows are already included in the scope of delivery. With this camera you can document your microscope or telescope observation or share it with others. Ideal for hobby, school, study and work. The camera can take pictures of the moon and the bright planets on the telescope. In microscopy, the camera is mainly used for shooting in brightfield and incident light. FEATURESmetal housing, mini USB socketresolution 1920 x 1080 Pixel, Full HDPixel size: 3x3 µm, sensor size: 5.86 x 3.28 mm23,2mm barrel, integrated UV/IR blocking filter30mm; 30,5mm adapter for various microscopes and telescopes included31,7mm (1,25") adapter for telescopes includes with thread for 1,25" filtersmultilingual recording software for Windowsimage format jpg, bmp, tif, pngvideo format avi SYSTEM REQUIREMENTSWindows 10 or 11Intel i3, i5, i7 or i9 CPU from the 2nd generation orAMD FX or Ryzen CPUinternet connection for software downloadUSB 2.0 SCOPE OF DELIVERYcamera module incl. dust capUSB-cableCamLabLite-Software as a download link, language versions German, English, French, Turkish, Russian, Polish, Indonesian, ChineseUsers Guide included in the software (German, English)Adapters 30mm, 30,5mm, 31,7mm (1,25”)

OCULUM VERLAG - Fernrohr-Führerschein in 4 Schritten (GERMAN)
Please note that this astronomy book for beginners is only available in German.

Silicone Eye Cup Diameter 32mm for ES Eyepieces
Silicone Eyecup 32mm Diameter for ES Eyepieces Category: Spare Part suitable for Eyepieces Description: The soft replacement eyecup with a 32mm diameter provides increased comfort during observation. Suitable as a spare part for EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC eyepieces. Ideal for spectacle wearers. It enhances observation comfort and reduces stray light. Easy to mount and maintain. Durable and easy to clean silicone material.

BRESSER Computer Cable for Remote Control of MCX Goto Telescopes and EXOS-II EQ Goto Mounts
For remote control of a BRESSER MCX 102/127 Goto Telescope or a BRESSER EXOS-II EQ Goto Mount via computer cable. Navigate your telescope comfortably with navigation software and Windows 10 computer. One click on the star map on the computer and the telescope is positioned on the desired object. NOTES(This list is exemplary and not exhaustive)To control a BRESSER MCX Goto telescope, no software update of the Computer Handbox is required. A direct use is therefore possible. To control a BRESSER EXOS-II EQ Goto mount, the Computer Handbox must be updated to software version v2.3 with the help of this computer cable set. This cable set is not suitable for the EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC EXOS-2 with PMC-Eight Goto. This set does not include navigation software and computer. DOWNLOAD NAVIGATION SOFTWARE (alternatively)Sky Map Pro Demo: Map Pro ASCOM PLUG-in: Carte Du Ciel: FEATURESConnects a BRESSER MCX102/127 Goto to a PC Connects a BRESSER EXOS-II Goto to a PC Comfortable control by computer USB to serial adapter included Required firmware update for EXOS-II included Compatible with WIN 10 + 11SCOPE OF DELIVERYRS-232 computer cable USB 2.0 to RS-232 adapter + driver CD-Rom Firmware v2.3 for EXOS-II Goto Handbox Flash Utility Software for Handbox Update ASCOM driver for BRESSER MCX/EXOS-II Goto Operating instructions

BRESSER 10mm Plössl eyepiece 31,7mm/1,25"
BRESSER 10mm Plössl Eyepiece 1,25" (31,7mm) Since years a well known and approved Plössl eyepiece. Ideal to improve the performance of your telescopes for a low budget price. All the BRESSER Plössl eyepieces provide sharp and high-contrast images because of the 4-lens design. All lenses have fully-multicoated surfaces which prevents reflections efficiently. Every eyepiece is equipped with a foldable rubber eyecup to avoid straylight from the sides and the inner eyepiece shaft is carefully blackened as well. Housing and eyepiece shaft are completely made from metal - no plastic is used. Filter thread for use with colour- and nebular filters is also available. All these Plössl eyepieces offer a much better image quality than all the very simple made Kellner and Huygens eyepieces. FEATURES Focal length: 10 mm Field of view: 50° Lens-Design: 4 lenses in 2 groups , fully-multicoated Housing material: completely made from metal Rubber eyecup: YES, foldable Filter thread: YES Storage: Twist-pack SCOPE OF DELIVERY BRESSER Plössl eyepiece with rubber eyecup Twist-pack

Illumination Unit Polefinder EXOS-2 thread M8x0.75
Red polar viewfinder illumination unit for BRESSER EXOS-2 mounts with fixing thread M8x0.75mm. An adjustable illumination makes it easier to find the marked sky objects on the polar viewfinder.IMPORTANT NOTEPlease verify the type of fixing thread prior to your purchase. We offer two different sizes: 12mm (part No. 4964211 for older EXOS-2 mounts) and 8mm (part No. 4964212 for newer EXOS-2 mounts)FEARTURESRetrofittable red pole finder illumination for BRESSER EXOS-2Illuminates the graticule in the viewfinderMakes it easier to find the celestial objectsAlso for 4900850 BRESSER 8x50 viewfinder as spare partAlso for Explore Scientific 8x50 viewfinders as spare partSCOPE OF DELIVERYPolar Viewfinder Illumination unit for EXOS-2Fixing thread M8x0.75mm

BRESSER WIFI Eyepiece Camera
With the BRESSER WIFI Eyepiece Camera, you can now easily capture every fascinating view through a telescope, microscope, or binoculars. Simply slip it over the eyepiece, clamp it in place, and connect via app to your mobile device – and in no time, you can admire the live image of the optical instrument conveniently on your phone or tablet display. Start recording and look forward to high-resolution images and videos of your favourite objects! High-quality eyepiece camera for detailed recordings Enjoy your highlights from astronomy, microscopy, or nature observation in smooth 2K videos with or without sound. Or immortalize your most exciting subjects in razor-sharp photos. They are saved on a MicroSD card (not included) in the standard file formats MP4 and JPG. Great features for new perspectives A highlight of the eyepiece camera is the loop recording function: Simply let the camera automatically record videos for 1, 3, or 5 minutes over an extended period. You can then quickly see if something exciting has appeared in front of the lens. And so that your friends and family can also get a glimpse of your discoveries, share your videos and photos directly from the app. Relive breathtaking moments over and over again – with the BRESSER WIFI Eyepiece Camera for binoculars, telescopes, microscopes, and more. FEATURES Universal WIFI eyepiece camera for telescopes, binoculars, microscopes, spotting scopes, etc. Video resolution: 2K (25 fps) / 1,080 px (30 fps) (Full HD) Photo resolution: 1,920 x 1,080 px / 2,304 x 1,296 px CMOS sensor resolution: 4 MP File formats: MP4 (video), JPG (photo) Videos with and without sound recording Loop recording function: 1 / 3 / 5 min. App (iOS / Android) with user-friendly image / video editing functions Max. recording time with WIFI: 130 minutes Suitable for eyepiece housing diameters from 30 – 49 mm Storage: MicroSD card up to 128 GB (not included) SCOPE OF DELIVERY Eyepiece camera USB-C cable Manual

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Hybrid Finder Scope Base - black
​The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Hybrid Finder Scope Base is designed to accept all legacy EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC and BRESSER Messier finder scope brackets and mini dovetail-type (e.g. Vixen, Synta, and many other brands) finder scope brackets. The base has rugged all-metal parts with black-anodized base and chrome-plated metal screws. Safety stops prevent the finder scope from sliding through and from falling when attaching screws are loosened. There are threaded holes on the left and right sides of the EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Hybrid Finder Scope Base for desired access to attaching screws. Includes bolts and screws for mounting the base to the optical tube assembly. Direct replacement for all EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC and BRESSER Messier telescopes, allowing the use of a wide range of other-brand finder scope options.FEATURESDirect replacement for all EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC and BRESSER Messier telescopesAccepts all legacy EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC and BRESSER Messier finder scope bracketsAccepts also mini dovetail-type fittings from e.g. Vixen, Synta and many other manufacturersRugged all-metal parts with black-anodized baseIntegrated safety stopsIncludes bolts and screws for mounting the baseBolt hole spacing 32.5mm for mounting on telescope tubeSuitable for screw diameter M4/M5 SCOPE OF DELIEVERYHybrid Finder Scope BaseBolts and screws for mounting

BRESSER T2 Ring Nikon
Connect your BRESSER Microscope or Telescope with a Nikon SLR camera and take images or videos of your observed object!The BRESSER T-Mount is the connecting piece between the camera adapter and SLR camera. To find out what T2-ring you need, look into the instruction manual of your camera.FEATURESConnecting piece between the camera adapter and Nikon SLR cameraHigh-quality and precise workmanship made of metalA corresponding camera adapter is neededSCOPE OF DELIVERYT2 Ring Nikon

BRESSER BR-LP15 Cleaning kit - 3 parts
With the 3-piece lens cleaning set you not only clean camera or binocular lenses, but also spectacles glasses and displays and screens of smartphones, laptops, tablets, etc. thoroughly and safely. When cleaning high quality optical lenses, you have to be very careful. After all, it would be very annoying to successfully remove the dust but leave a scratch behind. With the lens cleaning pen you can safely clean optical and coated glass. With the brush on one side you can remove coarser dirt before polishing the lenses with the other side. Just blow away fluff with the bellows. FEATURES complete set for safe cleaning of camera lenses bellows for removing coarse dirt particles and fluff without scratching the lens lint-free microfibre cloth approx. 14,5x14,5cm lens cleaning pencil for safe cleaning of optical and coated glass SCOPE OF DELIVERY 1x bellows 1x lens cleaning pen 1x microfiber cloth


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BRESSER StarTracker GoTo Set
Stargazing at the push of a button!With the BRESSER StarTracker GoTo kit you can upgrade any existing BRESSER EXOS-2 mount.This BRESSER StarTracker GoTo System enables beginners to start astronomical observations in just a few minutes, and guides you to objects that are hard to localize through a standard finder scope. Just push the button and the GoTo System will find planets, nebulae or galaxies for you and position your telescope automatically and precise. The GoTo System database includes over 100,000 astronomical objects and still has space for your additions. The Messier telescope with GoTo System allows you to observe without tedious searching, or image faint objects that are hard to find in a standard finder scope! The BRESSER StarTracker GoTo systems uses servo motors for both axes and features an ST-4 compatible autoguiding input. Guiding aggressivity can be set on the mount itself. The menu navigation of the Startracker Handbox is also multilingual and offers the settings of German, English, French, Spanish and Italian. FEATURESObjects in database: > 100.000Slewing speed: 2°/secAuto-Guider Port: Yes / ST-4 compatible, aggressivity can be adjustedLC Display: 36 x 63mm ; 8 rows with 21 digitsMotors: DC Servo with EncodersOperating voltage: 12V DCSCOPE OF DELIVERY2 Servo motors for both axis (RA and DEC)GoTo computer control StarTrackerStartracker handbox DE/GB/FR/ES/ITBattery pack* with power cableConncetion cable for motorsConnection cable for handboxMounting material (gears, screws, Allen keys)Manual*Batteries not included; 8 pcs. batteries, type D (LR 20) 1.5V required

BRESSER Spezial Astro SF 20x80 ED Binoculars
SPEZIAL ASTRO binoculars from BRESSER are ideal for astronomy and landscape observation. This is a professional large binocular with ED glass objective lenses for the very highest demands on color fidelity and brilliance. With the best viewing characteristics, a robust marine version and a sturdy tripod adapter. Thanks to fully multi coated Bak-4 glass material, the extra large objective lens diameter and highly corrected eyepieces with 5 lenses in 3 groups these binoculars provide bright, crisp images from edge to edge. The high 20x magnification it is convenient not only for observing astronomical objects but is also practical for viewing distant terrestrial objects. Due to a very high reduction of stray light, the binoculars deliver the best possible picture and a perfect sight. With the individual eyepiece focus once set you can get a sharp image for all astronomical distances. Foldable rubber eyecups give eye glass wearers the possibility of making the best use of these optics’ field of view. The binoculars are waterproof and ARGON gas filled to avoid internal fogging. The ergonomic rubber armouring provides a good grip and is also protected against shocks. With the included heavy duty foto tripod adapter the SPEZIAL ASTRO ED can be mounted onto any foto tripod which offers a standard 1/4inch or 3/8inch thread. The use of a tripod is also highly recommended at a high magnification of 20x to obtain a steady image. FEATURES Binoculars for astronomical and landscape observations Extremly high light gathering capacity  High magnification for for distant objects Fully multi coated optics Waterproof and ARGON gas filled against fogging Magnification: 15x / objective lens diameter: 70mm Individual eyepiece focus and foldable rubber eyecups Highly corrected eyepieces for crisp images from edge to edge Ergonomic rubber armouring - protected against shocks Dimensions: 310x250x100mm / weight: 2700g Heavy duty foto tripod adapter included SCOPE OF DELIVERY Binocular Photo tripod adapter Neckstrap Dust covers CaseInstruction manual

BRESSER Corvette 15-45x60 Spotting Scope -Waterproof-
The spotting scopes of the series BRESSER Corvette are characterized by their good sharpness and the full multi-layer coating in combination with Bak-4 glass material. This makes them especially suitable for nature and bird watching. The waterproof housing completes the outdoor ability of this series again. Due to the moderate magnification range of 15-45x, the BRESSER Corvette can be used well on the go, without necessarily having to carry a tripod. Laying on a balustrade, a transverse branch, etc. is usually sufficient.FEATURESZoom spotting scope Oblique insight Fully multi-layer coating Waterproof housing Robust rubber armor for great grip Spotting scope rotatable by 340° Wide comfort focus SCOPE OF DELIVERYSpotting Scope Transport bag made of durable nylon fabric with carrying strap Instruction manual

BRESSER Nebula 5 EQ/AZ Wifi-Network Mount
The new BRESSER Nebula 5 EQ/AZ Wifi-Network Mount is a precise and quiet telescope mount – ideal for astrophotography. The controller box offers numerous central connectivity options for various accessories such as cameras, filter wheels, and motor focusers via USB (2.0/3.0), simplifying the setup of a professional astrophotography machine. BRESSER has relied on innovation coupled with quality Made in Italy for this top-notch product. The manufacturer's long experience in mount construction guarantees a high-end device with first-class functionality and utmost reliability. Additionally, the in-house development team in Italy ensures quick response times in technical support and the adaptation of new device drivers. Truly, "Professionals at work!" The mount is controlled via pre-installed web-app software, accessible via WIFI and Ethernet cable connection. The philosophy behind the Nebula GoTo system is to provide the user with a control system independent of a standard PC, which can be remotely controlled via a smart device such as a mobile phone or tablet. However, this does not exclude the traditional use of computers of all types and brands, which can be connected to the system either wired or wirelessly. The BRESSER Nebula GoTo System Controller is a Raspberry Pi 4 microcomputer, which allows complete control of the setup (mount, camera, etc...) without the need for any other external device. The BRESSER Nebula GoTo system comes equipped with all Linux-based applications required for performing all astrophotographic functions.The existing INDI environment allows for the control of almost all devices (cameras, filter wheels, rotators, etc., including observatory domes) needed for local or remote astrophotography sessions. The system also offers high flexibility for users who prefer to use traditional computer client applications such as Cart du Ciel (Star Chart), TheSkyX, SkySafari, Stellarium, and other planetarium programs as well as SGP, Nina, CCD Ciel, and other astrophotography tools. This complete compatibility is ensured through the adoption of the Alpaca communication protocol, which allows for the use of traditional ASCOM platform drivers for native INDI devices.State-of-the-art mount construction The BRESSER Nebula mounts are CNC-manufactured from stainless steel and aluminium. The sleek and functional design is courtesy of a renowned Italian mount manufacturer, who has licensed the design and now manufactures these fine BRESSER products 100%. So, look forward to a stable yet easily portable mount, which despite its light weight of only 13 kg (incl. tripod), allows for a high load capacity of up to 20 kg.Visual Observation For visual observation and direct use, control the mount with the hand control box included in the package. Alternatively, connect the Nebula 5 via WLAN directly to your smartphone or tablet and use the virtual hand control box. Of course, all adjustment parameters can also be set via the web application. The user interface is deliberately simple and clear to ensure intuitive operation.Astrophotography Here, the Nebula mount shows its full strength. Whether mobile or stationary, the capability for remote operation is crucial. Connect your laptop or PC either via WLAN or with an Ethernet cable (recommended for faster data transmission) directly to the Raspberry-Pi control unit of the mount. Then use the pre-installed Kstars/EKOS software to control the mount and all external devices such as cameras, motor focus, filter wheel, etc. Alternatively, you can also directly control the unit with your own software. Applications such as Cart du Ciel (Star Chart), TheSkyX, SkySafari, Stellarium, and other planetarium programs as well as SGP, Nina, CCD Ciel, and other astrophotography tools can be used without any issues.2-in-1 Mount with EQ and AZ Mode If required, the Nebula can be switched from the equatorial mode to the azimuthal mode. This is particularly advantageous for observing nature or tracking satellites. Thus, the mount can be used for various applications and is not limited to astronomy.Attachment of up to two optics Would you like to adapt multiple optics? No problem. Simply use the option to replace the counterweight bar with another telescope. Use the second optic as a counterweight to the main telescope. Set the Nebula 5 to azimuthal mode, remove the counterweight bar, and screw a suitable second telescope clamp directly onto the mount. FEATURES Precise and quiet telescope mount – ideal for astrophotography Extensive connectivity options for various accessories via USB Integrated web app software enables central control of all components Integrated Raspberry Pi with USB-3 ports and Ethernet port Compatible with client applications such as Cart du Ciel (Star Chart), TheSkyX, SkySafari, Stellarium Compatible with SGP, Nina, CCD Ciel, and other astrophotography tools Virtual hand control box and settings menu for smartphones and tablets PC control – ASCOM and INDI compatible USB ports for cameras, motors, filter wheels, etc. Conversion from parallactic to azimuthal mode possible Small hand box for basic functions included High load capacity and yet lightweight Mount CNC-manufactured from stainless steel and aluminium Tooth belt drive for precise and quiet tracking Load capacity: 15 kg in EQ mode and 20 kg in AZ mode Dual prism clamping for Vixen GP and Losmandy Weight of the mount: 8 kg Weight of the tripod: 5 kg SCOPE OF DELIVERY Nebula 5 EQ/AZ Mount Field tripod Central control unit with Raspberry Pi Counterweight: 6 kg (1 piece) Basic hand box Connection cables Power supply 230V/12V/3A

BRESSER Messier AR-90s/500 Optical Tube assembly
NEW – now including a high-quality aperture Solar-filter for safe observation of sunspots, eclipses and planet transits. Great telescope for night and solar observation.Excellent for entering into the hobby of astronomy: 90 mm aperture delivers 200 times more light than the naked eye! Observe craters, valleys and rims on the moon from nearly 400,000 km away just as you would look out of the window of a spaceship! The BRESSER MESSIER AR-90s does not only provide highly detailed views of the moon: Gaze at the division of the rings of Saturn millions of kilometers away or explore the Great Red Spot of Jupiter, a giant tornado in Jupiter's atmosphere. Watch the seasons on Mars and find the sickle of Venus.Richfield telescope with a short focal length of 500 mm. Suitable for traveling and to observe large open star clusters and the Milky Way. The MESSIER AR-90s gives you images that are many times brighter than the instrument Galileo Galilei was using for his famous explorations almost 400 years ago. This telescope is an optical tube without mount and tripod. CHARACTERISTICS Optical design: refractor telescopeLens diameter: 90 mm / focal length: 500 mm / F/5.5Maximum recommended magnification: 180xTelescope for night and solar observation 6x30 viewfinder with crosshair eyepiece Optimised finder mount for comfortable viewing 31.7 mm (1.25'') zenith mirror Smartphone adapter for celestial navigation includedSCOPE OF DELIVERY Optical tube 26mm Super Plössl eyepiece (31.7 mm / 1.25") 31.7 mm (1.25") zenith mirror 6x30 optical viewfinder Rotatable star map Aperture solar filter Smartphone adapter for celestial navigation Astronomy PC software Stellarium (via download)

BRESSER Messier EXOS 2/EQ-5 Mount
Mount and Tripod. The BRESSER EXOS 2 is a rugged mount with high rigidity and precision tracking for visual observation and astrophotography. The tripod is extremely rigid to suppress vibrations really well. This model is very well machined and has an illuminated polar finder scope and precise graduated circles. A powered twoaxis control (BRESSER Exos Duo) or a GoTo-Kit is available as an optional extra. The BRESSER EXOS 2 can take the weight - depending on length and use of up to 13 kg. This allows you to use refractors of up to 152 mm aperture and mirror telescopes of up to 203 mm aperture.CHARACTERISTICS Stable parallactic mount with fine drive in both axes Ball bearings in both axes for more precise movements Stable height adjustable stainless steel tripod (min. 69 cm / max. 109,5 cm ) Load capacity up to 13 kg payload Retrofittable with the BRESSER Star Tracker Goto Kit ( item no. 4951750 ) Circular bubble for easy horizontal alignment Pole height scale for setting the latitude Scaled graduated circular rings to facilitate finding objects using a star atlas or planetarium software Pole finder scope with optional illumination ( item no. 4964212 ) Tripod weight: 4.7 kg Mount weight: 5.6 kg (without counterweight) Total weight incl. counterweight: 14.8 kg Batteries: not included SCOPE OF DELIVERY BRESSER EXOS-2 mount Adjustable polar finder scope with optional illumination Stainless steel tube field tripod with accessory tray 1x 4.5 kg counterweight

BRESSER Micro Motion Head MH-100 (Polar-Wedge)
Tripod head with fine adjustment for fast and precise pole height adjustment of the BRESSER StarTracker Astrophoto Mount PM-100 art. no. 4964120. The BRESSER Micro Motion Head MH-100 allows a very precise adjustment by using large dimensioned knurled screws. In order to keep the adjustment distances by using the knurled screws as small as possible, the mounting plate has a quick-release clamping device with toothing in order to be able to select a rough presetting of the pole height (latitude at the location). The Micro Motion Head MH-100 can be mounted on any photo tripod with 1/4 inch photo thread closure. The BRESSER StarTracker astrophoto mount can then be mounted on the MH-100 tripod head without the use of tools using a 1/4" photo thread screw. The complete  motion head is made of black anodized aluminum and guarantees highest stability by the use of solid material. The knurled screws with fine pitch thread are even made of stainless steel and guarantee a long durability and corrosion resistance. Ideal for optimizing tracking accuracy in astrophotography. IMPORTANT NOTE: Can also be used as a stable adjustment element of a telescopic sight in astrophotography. Parallel alignment of the main telescope and the guide telescope is thus also possible quickly and precisely. Base plate connection: 3 x 1/4 inch photo thread with 35.0 mm hole spacing. Mounting plate connection: 2 x M8x1.25 thread with 35.0mm hole spacing. FEATURES Compact micro motion head with fine adjustment Functions as a so-called polar-wedge For precise adjustment of polar alignment (EQ mode)Mounting plate with quick-release clamping device and toothingCan be used with any photo tripod and 1/4inch thread adapterMade of black anodised aluminium and stainless steel Quick and easy to use deviceSuitable for BRESSER StarTracker Astrophoto Mount PM-100 Suitable for BRESSER tripod TP-100 DX  Also ideal as an adjustment element of an auto-guiding scopeFor parallel alignment of main telescope and guiding telescope Base plate connection: 3 x 1/4 inch photo thread; hole spacing 35.0mm Connection mounting plate: 2 x M8x1.25mm thread; drilling distance 35,0mm SCOPE OF DELIVERY Micro Motion Head MH-100 Instruction manual
