Product Highlights
7-in-1 Weather Station
- Receive your local weather data via 7-in-1 weather sensor
- Feels like indication calculated on wind chill, & heat index
- Long-range transmission up to 150m (450 ft.) 868 MhZ
- Temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, UV, light
- Light intensity reading (Klux, Kfc, W/m2), UV index (0 – 16)
- Base: 180 x 136 x 23mm/Sensor: 344x394x136mm; 723 g
- Up to 3 additional sensors can be added, like pool and soil as well as additional thermo-/hygrometer sensors
- DCF radio controlled time synchronization with UK time offset
- Gust or Average wind speed (mph, m/s, km/h, knots), Beaufort & wind level
- Measure Rain rate, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Total rainfall (in/ mm) with indicator
Wissen, wie das Wetter wird? Mit Wetterstationen von BRESSER kein Problem mehr!
BRESSER bietet ein großes Sortiment an Wetterstationen sowohl für den privaten als auch den professionellen Einsatz an. Komplettpakete mit Thermo- & Hygro-Außensensor sowie Regen- & Windsensoren können das Wetter einige Tage vorhersagen. Nicht nur technisch, sondern auch optisch sind BRESSER Wetterstationen ein echter Hingucker. Mit den neuesten Funk-Wetterstationen ist die persönliche Wettervorhersage möglich: so lässt sich der Tag planen, je nachdem wie das Wetter wird.
Das könnte Sie auch interessieren!
So hilft Temperaturmessung beim Energiesparen
Schon gewusst? Bereits das Absenken der Zimmertemperatur um 1 Grad spart bis zu 6 Prozent Energie. Da lohnt es sich, beim Heizen ganz genau hinzuschauen. Durch das integrierte Thermometer in unseren Wetterstationen und Thermo-Hygrometern behalten Sie die aktuelle Zimmertemperatur immer im Blick – und können so Ihr Heizverhalten zielgerichtet anpassen, um Energie zu sparen. Ist die Gradzahl erreicht, die für Ihr Wohlempfinden ausreicht? Dann kann der Thermostat wieder etwas heruntergedreht werden, um die Raumtemperatur zu halten und den Geldbeutel zu schonen.
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Was bringt eine Wetterstation für Zuhause?
Sturmfluten, orkanartige Windböen und Hitzewellen – der Klimawandel macht sich zunehmend bemerkbar. Auch in Deutschland nehmen wir die meteorologischen Veränderungen vermehrt wahr. Tendenz: steigend!
Warum sich eine Wetterstation für zu Hause lohnt, wenn es auch Wetterapps gibt und weitere spannende Fragen beantwortet BRESSER's Produktmanager für Consumer Electronics Dominik Becker in einem Interview für Sie.
A quick glance in the morning onto your BRESSER weather station gives you all the weather information you need for the day. Your current local outdoor temperature and humidity are shown as well as the current wind speed and direction. How much did it rain during the night? These and many others of the frequently asked weather questions are answered by a quick look onto the main station's display. Have you ever wondered why temperatures feel differently outside then you had imagined it would feel like? The new Feels Like Feature will help you with that. It takes the heat index or windchill into consideration and provides a calculated result to give you a much better indication of how the current weather actually feels outside. It sure beats running in and out and having to change clothing.
The Wind Gauge has been optimized and now measures in 360° and 16 directional points, giving you very precise wind readings. Furthermore, the radiation shield has been upgraded to enhance the temperature and humidity sensor circulation.
All in all this 7-in-1 complete set of weather station main unit and professional 7-in-1 weather sensor is the perfect weather station for those that want accurate and up to date information.
FEATURES (main unit):
- Clear professional display for time & full weather information
- Receive your local weather data via the 7-in-1 weather sensor via 868 MHz RF transmission frequency
- RCC time synchronization & automatic switch between standard and daylight saving time (DCF)
- For UK Users who can receive the European DCF time synchronization signal the time can be automatically received using the UK time offset function
- Buzzer alarm clock with ice pre-alert function
- Display time, calendar, weekday & Moon phase
- Able to set the moon phase display for Northern / Southern hemisphere
- Buzzer alarm clock with ice pre-alert function
- Indoor temperature (°C/°F) & humidity readings with comfort indication & trend
- Outdoor temperature (°C/°F) & humidity readings with trend
- Gust or Average wind speed (mph, m/s, km/h, knots), Beaufort & wind level
- Real time & dominant wind direction in 360° & 16-direction resolution
- UV index (0 – 16)
- Light intensity reading (Klux, Kfc, W/m2)
- Measure Rain rate, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Total rainfall (in/ mm) with indicator
- Weather forecast (sunny, partly cloudy, cloudy, rainy, stormy, snowy)
- Barometric pressure in relative or absolute readings (hPa, inHg, mmHg)
- Weather index for outdoor feels like, heat index, wind chill, dew point readings
- Max / Min memory records & past 24hrs hourly record
- Hi / Lo alert setting (indoor/ outdoor temperature & humidity)
- Alert setting (weather index, High wind-speed, High daily rainfall & Pressure drop)
- Flashing indicator for Hi/Lo alert warning on the LCD display UV and light calibration
- 5 languages for weekday and wind direction display (EN/ DE/ FR/ ES/ IT)
- Amber backlight
- Long-range transmission up to 150m (450 ft.)
- Supports up to 3 pcs wireless extra sensors , for instance 7009999 Thermo-/Hygrometer Outdoor Sensor, Pool Sensor SP6001LC2000, or Soil Sensor SP60020LC2000 (Not included)
- Wall mount/ desktop usage
- Product size: Main unit: 180 x 136 x 23 mm (W x H x D)
- Display VA size: 125x77mm (W x H)
- Battery requirements: Main unit: 4x AA ; Sensor 3x AA (Not included)
Measurement of Outdoor Temperature and Humidity, Wind Speed and Direction, Rain Gauge, UV and Light Intensity Measurement
- Up to 150 m transmission range using 868 MhZ transmission frequency
- Should be placed in an unobstructed location so that sun and rain data can be used properly
- Can be mounted on wall or post using the included adapter
- Product size: Sensor: 344 x 394 x 136 mm (W x H x D)
- 1x Main Unit, additional main units can be purchased using the BRESSER item codes 7003110CM3000 (black housing), 7003110GYE000 (white housing), 700311QT5000 (grey housing)
- 1x wireless 7-in-1 Professional Weather Sensor including mounting stand
Colour: | black, silver, white |
Features: | Alarm clock function, Backlight, Beaufort Index, DCF time signal, History data storage, Ice warning, Indoor climate indicator, Max./min. value memory, Moon phases, Storm warning, Temperature alarm, Weather forecast, Weather index, Weekday display |
Measurement function: | Barometric pressure, Humidity (inside), Humidity (outside), Inside temperature, Light intensity, Outside temperature, Precipitation, UV level, Wind Direction, Wind speed |
Type of mounting: | Wall bracket |
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