BRESSER und Freek Vonk spenden Wärmebildkameras für den Nashornschutz
BRESSER and Freek Vonk Donate Thermal Cameras to Protect Rhinos
Africa’s rhinos are on the edge of extinction. Every day, at least one of these magnificent animals is killed by poachers who are after their precious horns. As a company that creates specialised optics to help people connect with the wonders of nature, BRESSER is passionate about protecting endangered wildlife. That’s why, together with Dutch biologist Professor Dr. Freek Vonk and his organisation No Wildlife Crime, we’ve donated eight advanced thermal cameras to Care for Wild in South Africa. These cameras will support rangers on the ground in their efforts to better protect rhinos from poachers.
Joining Forces for Conservation: Care for Wild and No Wildlife Crime
Care for Wild is the world’s largest orphaned rhino sanctuary and is dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and conservation of these endangered animals. Freek Vonk, the founder of the No Wildlife Crime Foundation, has seen the work of Care for Wild up close several times. He is familiar with the significant challenges the rangers face daily and is determined to support the dedicated individuals on the ground in their vital work. Through the targeted support of projects like this and public awareness efforts, Freek Vonk’s foundation is committed to combating wildlife crime and raising awareness about the importance of conservation.
Curious about the collaboration between Freek Vonk and BRESSER? Discover the FREEK VONK x BRESSER range, specially designed for young nature enthusiasts. After all, it’s never too early to learn to treat our unique natural world with respect.